Awesome place: Iceland

Godafoss waterfall in Iceland in winter covered with snow

Godafoss waterfall

Short summary:

Zone 12 stop at Godafoss waterfall in winter

Goðafoss waterfall

Things to know

Location: HERE
Islandic name: Goðafoss

Godafoss, also known as "The Waterfall of the Gods," is a waterfall located in the north of Iceland, near the town of Akureyri. It is known for its wide and powerful waterfall, which is approximately 12 meters (40 feet) high and 30 meters (98 feet) wide. The waterfall is fed by the Skjálfandafljót river, which has its source in the highlands of Iceland. The waterfall is named after a legend that says that when Iceland converted to Christianity in 1000 AD, the pagan lawspeaker, Thorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, threw his statues of the Norse gods into the waterfall to symbolize the country's new religion.

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